
Types of Airplanes I Fly and Why..


The principles of flying airplanes are not much different from the principles of operating motor vehicles. When it comes to operating motor vehicles, the type of vehicle you operate depends on the class of your driver’s license; likewise, in aviation, the type of airplane you fly depends on the rating you have on your pilot’s license.

I am using the motor vehicle example so that everybody will get a general understanding, even those who don't know anything about aviation. For instance, when you get your driver’s license, you can use it to operate any vehicle, from small cars to buses and big trucks. The class type of your license is what restricts you. In Texas, where I live, there are different classes of driver's licenses, such as A, B, and C, based on the weight of the vehicle you want to operate.

When it comes to aviation, things are not much different. When you get your pilot's license, you can use it to fly any airplane. What limits you is the rating you have on your pilot's license. The more ratings you obtain to fly larger and more complex planes, the more expensive it is to keep those ratings. For small airplanes, the cost of maintaining license ratings is lower compared to big and complex airplanes.

For some of us who are not employed by companies, the cost to maintain ratings is the pilot's responsibility, but if you are hired by one, most of the time the company will pay to maintain your ratings, depending on the airplane they give you to fly.

Although I can go out there and get any rating to fly any airplane, for now I fly small airplanes like the ones you see in the pictures above. This is because my flying is mostly private, so it is easier for me to maintain my ratings. Also, small airplanes are suitable for me right now as I have visions, talents, and other things I do as you see here on my website.


You can watch how I fly those airplanes on my Mfalme Aviation channel here:     

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Peace Be With You.




Kanuni za kurusha ndege hazina tofauti sana na kanuni za kuendesha magari. Kwenye kuendesha magari aina ya gari unaloendesha hutegemeana na aina ya daraja la leseni uliyonayo, vivyo hivyo kwenye kurusha ndege aina ya ndege unayorusha hutegemeana na aina ya kiwango (rating) cha leseni uliyonayo.

Ninatumia mfano wa kuendesha magari ili watu wote waweze kunielewa hata wasiojua kabisa mambo ya kuendesha ndege. Kwa mfano unapopata leseni ya kuendeshea gari, unaweza kuitumia kuendeshea gari lolote kuanzia magari madogo, mabasi hata malori, kinachokuzuia ni daraja la leseni. Huku Texas ninakoishi, kuna madaraja ya leseni za magari kama vile A, B na C yaliyowekwa kufuatana na uzito wa gari lakini kanuni za uendeshaji vyombo hivyo ni karibu zile zile.

Kwenye ulimwengu wa kuendesha ndege hakuna tofauti sana, unapopata leseni ya kuendesha ndege unaweza ukaitumia kuendesha ndege yoyote, kinachokuzuia ni kiwango cha leseni hiyo. Unavyozidi kwenda juu kwa kiwango cha leseni hiyo, ndovyo gharama za usajili na utunzaji wa leseni hiyo zinavyokwenda juu pia. Kwa ndege ndogo gharama za utunzaji na usajili wa daraja la leseni yake ni ndogo kuliko usajili na utunzaji wa daraja la leseni ya ndege kubwa.

Kwa sisi marubani ambao hatujaajiriwa kwenye makampuni ya ndege, gharama za usajili na utunzaji wa daraja la leseni huwa ni gharama ya rubani mwenyewe lakini ukiwa umeajiriwa kwenye kampuni, kampuni huwa inalipia gharama hizo kulingana na ndege waliyokupa kuendesha.

Ingawa nina uwezo wa kuongeza kiwango cha leseni yangu na kuendesha ndege ya aina yoyote ile, kwa sasa hivi ninarusha ndege ndogo kama zilizo pichani hapo juu. Hii ni kwa sababu urushaji wangu wa ndege ni wa binafsi na sio wa kuajiriwa kwenye makampuni hivyo kiuchumi ndege hizo zinanifaa kwa sasa na ukichukulia pia nina maono, vipaji na kazi nyingine ninazofanya kama mnavyoona hapa mtandaoni.


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